This Pastor Has Nothing to Say


Have you ever felt stuck in your faith? Perhaps you are feeling this way right now? You may be questioning your faith, or even if God is real. It may be that you know you have faith, but it isn’t going anywhere. It feels like you are running after something that you...

My Plans, God’s Plans

As you can probably tell from the time since my last post, life has been busy.  I always tell myself that the church has two busy seasons – Advent through Christmas and Lent through Easter.  It makes sense, right?  In reality, the busy season lasts year-round.  When...

Horrifically Beautiful

It’s way past time for an update here.  I haven’t taken the time to write a blog post in a while.  So much has been happening at church and in my personal life over the summer.  Some of it was really good and some of it not so good.  Yet, there is beauty in all of...

Give Yourself Some Grace

You would think today would be the ideal day to get some stuff done around the office.  My secretary is out.  I am currently the only one in the building.  The phone hasn’t rung in five hours.  I have only received one email message since sometime last night.    The...

Celebrating Our Victories – No Matter the Size

When I started this blog I intended to add an entry every other week at a minimum.  Obviously that hasn't panned out over the long run.  It's been almost two months this time, and that is not even the longest I have gone between posts.  There are a lot of reasons for...


I am not just a pastor.  I also have a side gig, whether I am supposed to by the rules of the denomination I serve or not.  I am also a Tupperware consultant.  Back in the day, I would have been called a Tupperware lady.  I became a Tupperware consultant mostly...

Joyous Christmas, One and All!

I have only been a full-time pastor for 8 1/2 years, but in every one of those 8 1/2 years I have frequently said that there should be New Year's or Epiphany cards (boxed like Christmas Cards are) for pastors.  There are so many demands on our time during this joyous...

When All I Have Is Not Enough

The phrase that has been going through my head the last couple of days is “when all I have is not enough.”  Don’t worry, I am not burnt out or down on myself or my job.  It is just that our family is still dealing with the mental health issues of one of our own. ...

I Don’t Wanna, a Headache, and a Sabbath

My mantra for today is, “I don’t wanna.”  I woke up with a headache this morning.  This is never a good sign for the rest of my day.  Usually, I can treat a headache with ibuprofen and it gets a lot better.  When I wake up with one there is nothing that really helps...

Waiting and Worrying

I got some unwanted news at my eye doctor appoinment last week.  You know the kind that requires more doctors and more followup appointments.  Yeah, that kind.  The eye doctor wanted me to go see a medical doctor for some tests and come back and see him in three...

About the Author

My name is Koreen Guillermo.  I am an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church.  I am currently serving as the pastor at First United Methodist Church in Deming, New Mexico.  Outside of church I like to spend time with my husband, our kids, our two precious and also adorable grandkids (yes, I am a bit prejudiced), and our four dogs.  I also like reading and crafty things like sewing, quilting, cross-stitching, and crocheting.


I hope you enjoy reading these tidbits from my thoughts.  I also hope they bring a little bit of Jesus to brighten your day.