This Pastor Has Nothing to Say

Mental Health is Important Too!

Like many of you, I suspect, I have been watching the Olympics when I am not at work.  I admit it.  I am an Olympics junkie.  I will flip through the various television channels to find something to watch until it  I am almost late getting back to the office after...

Rediscover Reading

After seminary, which I completed in 2015, I didn’t want to look at another book.  I especially didn’t want to look at a book that someone told me I had to read.  It didn’t matter if it was one that someone thought I would enjoy or if it was one that...


I love my routines.  I am tied to them.  If I miss something, especially with the morning routine, my whole day feels off.  Forget my watch – ok, so now it’s Fitbit – I can’t seem to stick to my schedule for the day, even if it is written in my...

The Puzzle of Life

I have a 1,000 piece puzzle spread out on my dining room table right now.  The picture on the box made it look simple enough.  It is just a picture of Mickey Mouse and his trusty sidekick, Pluto.  It is one of the puzzles that I picked up at Disney World when we were...

Small Town America, Small Town Rumors

This is truly one of those times that I don’t really have anything to say.  Or maybe it is that I don’t really have any topic that is really in my mind today.  So let me start here.  Small town America also means small town rumors.  I have had a number of...


As I write this I am listening to the webcast from the Festival of Homiletics, a continuing education opportunity for preachers.  The particular webcast on at this time is a sermon by Otis Moss III, the pastor of Trinity Church of Christ in Chicago.  One of the things...